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Showing posts with the label architecture

[mexgq] Download Annotate fonts from Ignace De Keyser

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 Annotate is a handwritten, monospace blockletter font complete with letters, numbers, & extended punctuation. The font is based on the handwritten annotation architects and engineer make on plans and sketches. By using a gridbased spacing and blocklettering, engineers can rely on an easily-readable and copy 'n print friendly annotations on techninical drawings to prevent any possible mistakes in the production process that are a consequence of misreading text. The clarity and uniformity allow to add a hand-written touch to any project without having to make concessions on the readability. Annotate will distinguish your text from the rest, ideal in logos, printed quotes, product packaging design, headers and many more usecases. Designer: Ignace De Keyser Annotate Annotate

[vtqgp] Download Planny fonts from Kaer

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 Planny is a blueprint font created for the reproduction of a technical drawing or engineering drawing. All characters were designed with construction lines. The blueprint process was characterized by white lines on a blue background, a negative of the original. What you will get: Regular style Uppercase and lowercase glyphs Multilingual support Numbers and symbols Please feel free to request to add characters you need: Planny Planny

Plecnik fonts from Type Salon - (uqktc)

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 This typeface follows the principles of the numerous and diverse architecture and graphic design works from the most famous Slovene architect Jože Plečnik, and so unfolds a piece of Sloveneā€™s rich, yet still undiscovered typographic legacy. Typeface Plecnik is defined by classical elements and shapes. With classic proportion, humanist stroke endings and low contast, Plecnik comunicates a modern, elegant and sophisticated message. Due to Plecnik 's recognisable shapes the typeface remaines memorable and irreplaceable. When used for book and editorial designs, branding, packaging or display, Plecnik will perform in its purpose. Designed in four weights and accompanied with italics, Plecnik also offers a Display style, which is even more distinctive and perhaps even more attributable to Plečnik. Plecnik Plecnik